Blog Series – What is Microblogging?

In this blog series, we have well established the rise of the blog. “Blogging” is something most people have at least heard of, if not directly participated themselves. But, a blogging related term that might be less well-known is “microblogging.” Although the term microblogging might be new to many people, it is something that most of us have most likely seen or interacted with without knowing it. Like blogging, microblogging involves regularly and frequently posting content onto a platform. This content can range in format to include images, videos, text, etc. or any combination of those elements. The most significant difference is that microblogging involves much smaller posts than are allowed in the regular, flexible blogging format. In fact, some microblogging platforms will even have a maximum character limit that restricts how much content you are allowed to share in one post. If this is starting to sound familiar, it’s because most social media platforms are forms of microblogging. Your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts are all considered microblogging platforms.

It is important to know that social media platforms are all forms of microblogging because microblogging can be just as important to a company as regular blogging, if not more so. Microblogging and blogging can help build a relationship/trust with existing or prospective clients, spread brand awareness, help create backlinks and more. The reason microblogging might even be more important to a company’s marketing efforts is because it is significantly easier to post more content more quickly. When you only need to post a single image with a caption, a couple hundred characters of text, or a brief status update, it is much easier to rapidly produce content that could provide your company all of the potential benefits generated from blogging. However, creating this content does still take time, which you might not have as you are trying to run and grow your company.

Direct Placement, LLC is a digital marketing agency dedicated to helping you with your digital marketing needs. Our staff of trained and certified professionals can help you with a variety of digital marketing strategies ranging from SEM to social media marketing. If you are looking to increase your company’s presence online with social media, we can help. Contact Direct Placement today or visit our website to learn more about how you can start transforming your business one click at a time! You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Blogger for regular digital marketing content and the rest of this blog series.

Direct Placement, LLC makes social media marketing easy. Contact us to start getting your business noticed on Facebook today! Get started now!


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