Content Strategy: Creating Buyer Personas
Content Strategy: Creating Buyer Personas Creating content regularly has become essential for businesses to compete in the age of the internet. With the immense amount of competition for people’s attention online, it is no longer enough to just make one size fits all content. Today your business content needs to really connect with people, to show that you understand them, in order to be an effective lead generator or an effective part of your marketing funnel. One of the best ways to know exactly what kind of content can achieve this is to create buyer personas to represent each segment of your customer base. Buyer personas are fictional representations of your ideal customers. It is vitally important that they be based on research and data, not on intuition. Buyer personas give you a better understanding of your current and future customers and prospects. This way you can tailor your content, products and services to appeal to them in a meaningful way, which will lead to mo...